Acolyte Pole Is A ‘Dream To Use’

david-clapham-acolyteDavid Clapham managed this cracking 20lb 5oz catch on only his second outing with his new Acolyte pole.

The glistening net of roach was taken from the New Junction Canal and also included a surprise 3lb 4oz perch, which took a small roach on the way in!

“The majority fell to single caster, then hemp later on,” he explained. “I was fishing at 10 metres in 9ft of water, using a 0.6g float, No5 elastic, Kamasan B511 hook and 0.09mm Polemaster Flourocarbon hooklength, which I only changed after landing the perch.

“The pole is a dream to use. I only wish I had bought one last year!” 


The Acolyte pole has been designed in conjunction with five times World Champion, Alan Scotthorne, and is equally at home catching 20lb of roach as it is subduing 100lb-plus bags of carp. It is super slim, stiff and responsive, right up to 16 metres with bags of hidden strength. Click here to learn more.