Dan’s Urban Carp Campaign

Thank you to Hertfordshire’s talented young specimen angler Dan Sales for some more superb photos – of the ‘Urban’ Carp he’s been catching recently, including this lovely Common, which weighed 23lb!

Dan has located a number of good fish in local town centre river stretches, and has been able to target them this Summer with surface / stalking tactics incorporating 8lb Supplex mono straight through to a size 11 Super Specialist Barbel hook.  Dan has managed to get this to sit perfectly under a single dog biscuit on the surface, enabling him to ambush the fish as he finds them – very exciting fishing!

“It’s become a bit of an obsession catching the river carp; I think I’ll stick at it for a while now until the sun goes back in and it cools down” explained Dan.

For full details on the Drennan Supplex line, click here.