Craig O’Brien, Warwickshire Avon Barbel Record at 18lb 6oz!

“He’d heard rumours of a colossal fish over 18lb on the stretch”

We recently reported an incredible 17lb 14oz barbel that obliterated the Warwickshire Avon record, but it’s already been beaten by this huge 18lb 6oz specimen, landed by Craig O’Brien.
He’d heard rumours of a colossal fish over 18lb on the stretch, but with only poor-quality pictures and no witnesses, its existence was always doubted. Arriving at the river and finding it in great condition, with good colour, he fed a few spots and settled in.

Half an hour into the second swim, he noticed a big bow wave come from his swim. Otters were his initial thought, but seeing nothing on the surface, he knew it was a fish, and a big one at that. 20 minutes later his rod ripped off, with the fish running 70 yards downriver. An epic battle followed, but eventually Craig has the fish in the net. At this point he knew it must be the big girl, and at 18lb 6oz the fish sets new standards for the river.
Great angling Craig and a cracking picture to match!