“On just his second cast the line tightened, and all hell broke loose”

You’d probably struggle to find a finer example of a perch than this 4lb 11oz beast landed by Berkshire lure fishing fanatic, Adam Jones. Staying in a hotel whilst heading north on a work trip, Adam decided to visit a river he’s held a ticket on for a while but was yet to fish.
Deciding on a 45-minute session to get to know the water, he’d caught nothing so decided to head back to his car, but he couldn’t resist a few casts in a swim with a few old tree stumps that were part-submerged. On just his second cast the line tightened, and all hell broke loose, but after a nail-biting fight he slipped this huge perch into the waiting net. Weighing 4lb 11oz, Adam says the fish is one he’s searched for over many years and would love to see how big it is come the end of the season.