Stealthy Approach Leads To 11lb 4oz Barbel

A mobile strategy resulted in this fine barbel from the River Nene for Stewart Moss.11lb-4oz-Nene-Barbel

“It was 11lb 4oz and fell to a stealthy approach, single rod and minimal gear and just fishing various swims for an hour at a time before creeping in to the next one,” Stewart explained. “After fishing various swims, the first bite came just after dusk.”

The specimen fish was caught on a Drennan Martin Bowler Specialist Barbel 12ft 1.75lb rod with ESP Syncro 12lb main line to a running lead setup. A paste-wrapped boilie was hair-rigged to a size 10 Kamasan Barbel Maxx hook on a stripped-back ESP Two Tone hook link.

A great start to Stewart’s autumn barbel campaign!