Lee’s 22lb Mirror on 6lb Sinkbraid!

Thanks to Sussex specialist Lee Amass for this photo of a 22lb 4oz Mirror Carp, successfully landed on a 6lb Drennan Sink Braid hooklink!

Lee was actually fishing for Silver Bream (hence the light gear) with a Series 7 Specialist Avon Quiver 12ft 1¼lb rod and a size 14 hook when the big carp sucked in his bait, and an epic battle ensued!

There were a few heart stopping moments once I’d seen the fish, but I was lucky that there were no snags or heavy weed where I was fishing – so I could just play the fish nice and steady” said Lee.

– Great fish playing skills!

For full details on Drennan Super Specialist Sink Braid, click here.