Darren Clarke, 16lb 9oz Zander

“After a few jack pike something heavy and powerful headed for midriver”
Darren Clarke never thought he’d beat his 16lb 9oz personal best zander, but during a recent session on the tidal Trent, he did just that with this 17lb 14oz beast.
The Doncaster angler had to settle for his third choice of swim, with other anglers in his first two options. Darren opted to fish a running rig with a small roach deadbait and had a few jack pike before connecting with something heavy and powerful that headed for midriver.

Initially, Darren thought it was a big pike, but after catching a glimpse of a huge zander a few rod-lengths out, his legs went to jelly. After a nervy few moments under the rod tip, he slipped the net under the fish, and when it tipped his scales round to 17lb 14oz, he was left in disbelief.
Well done Darren!