Cadbury Angling’s Silverfish Open Match

Steve Mayo with some of a bag of Skimmers which won the Cadbury Angling Silverfish Open Match at Plantations Main Lake, Somerset last week. Thanks to Toby of Cadbury Angling for the photographs, who recorded a section win himself.

Steve Mayo with some of a bag of Skimmers which won the Cadbury Angling Silverfish Open Match at Plantations Main Lake, Somerset last week.

Toby tells us that with improved weather on the day the field were optimistic of good weights, most opting for maggot over groundbait on the long pole. This did turn out to be the most productive method, Steve Mayo winning with 23lb 7oz of skimmer Bream, caught at 14.5m from peg 11. Paul Faires was not to far behind in 2nd with 16lb 6oz caught on the waggler, closely followed by Bristol Angling Centre’s Callum Dicks (again on the long pole).

Cadbury’s Toby Parker was rewarded for his efforts by winning his section with 12lb 8oz – having fished some of the new Drennan G-Tip 2 Pole Floats in 0.8g & 0.6g to Supplex rigs, with the excellent Drennan Silverfish Maggot spade end hooks. Check out Toby’s regular fishing blog.

Toby's Rig Bits and Pieces

Match Result:-

1st Steve Mayo (Maver) Peg 11, 23lb 7oz
2nd Paul Faiers Peg 27, 16lb 6oz
3rd Callum Dicks (Maver) Peg 7, 16lb 3oz

Section Winners:

Toby Parker (Cadbury Angling) Peg 12, 12lb 8oz
Rich Lovering Peg 26, 8lb 1oz

Cadbury Angling have more open matches planned at the fishery in February and March – contact them if you are interested in taking part on 01934 875733 or see their website.

For full details on the new Drennan G-Tip 2 Pole floats as used by Toby, click here.