Big Bream For Matt

Matthew Tann recently landed himself a new personal best bream during a session on a southern gravel pit.

Matthew Tann with his PB bream of 12lb 10oz.

The Portsmouth-based angler arrived at his chosen venue at first light to get into one of his chosen swims. He targeted a large gravel bar at just over 40 yards and baited the area with a mixture of particles and pellets before casting his Method Feeders on top.

“I opted to fish large In-Line Flat Method Feeders as they very aerodynamic once loaded, even with a strong wind. They also enable me to fish with the hookbait tucked in, ensuring my balanced corn hookbait is not masked by any weed or debris.

“The first fish of the day was a lovely dark male bream that weighed 9lb 12oz. A great start, and proved I was in the right area. After that, I had a double take, which unfortunately resulted in only one fish being landed. This time a slightly smaller bream at 8lb 8oz.  Annoying as the other fish felt a lot bigger, but it sadly it made it to a weed bed and slipped the hook.

“An hour or so later, after spodding more bait out onto the area, I received another take. This felt much bigger from the off and resulted in a new personal best bream of 12lb 10z. Target accomplished.”

Matthew used his trusty 1.75 Specialist Tench & Bream rods coupled with small fixed spool reels loaded with 8lb Feeder & Method Mono.