What A Month For Iain McDonald

Iain McDonald a Kent-based all-rounder was faced with low and clear conditions, but that didn’t stop him landing two specimens in as many weeks!

Iain fished a Thames tributary where he presented a 10mm pellet over a clear gravel run to fool a stunning 15lb 6oz barbel.

“The first two hours of the trip passed without event, but just as the light was starting to fade my rod tip hooped over. It was an explosive fight, with the fish making several powerful runs before eventually giving up and dropping in to the net,” explained Iain.

“I was delighted to land such a big barbel in the conditions I was faced with and I packed up straight after, as I knew the chances of getting a bigger one that evening were extremely unlikely,” he added.

The following week using simple trotting tactics incorporating 2lb line and size 18 Red Maggot hook, Iain managed to fool a series of big roach from his local river. The smallest of the trio was 1lb 12oz which was followed by another of 2lb 5oz and to top it off a magnificent roach of 2lb 9oz!