Top All-Round Specimen Angler, Terry ‘Theo’ Theobald, Releases Book

Top all-round specimen angler Terry ‘Theo’ Theobald has been a friend of Drennan International for a number of years now, and has a brilliant new book out, which is titled “A Year On The Water”.   Drennan’s Stewart Moss purchased a copy on release, and read all 300 odd pages in around 10 days (mostly during the long hours waiting for a bite whilst Tench fishing this spring).  Stewart writes:-

“I could not put this book down until I’d finished it.  It’s a riveting diary-type format detailing every trip and venue Theo went to from 1st January 2011 to the following 31st December – and is of course studded with Theo’s excellent photography.   The hard work, passion and determination required to consistently catch big fish from all manner of venues across Great Britain, whilst holding down a demanding full time job and supporting a family, really comes across.  The reader will share the high of every special fish, as well as the all-to-regular lows when results don’t go to plan.  The book will also make you smile, and I roared with laughter for example at the tale of Theo (who is not the most agile) twice slipping over on the banks of the Wye whilst trying to hit barbel bites, with his rod going into the river! The author is totally honest about everything including the venues he’s fished; in fact you’ll feel you almost know him personally by the time you finish the book.  Anyone that is lucky enough to have met him on the bank will already know what a special angler and personality he genuinely is”

At just £20 plus carriage this book represents exceptional value for money and is available from Calm Productions on the following link or telephone  0845 408 2606.