Thames Looking Good

Carl-Eland-Thames1Carl Eland has had a great couple of days on the River Thames at Abingdon on the opening week of the river season. 

The Drennan Banbury Gunsmiths’ member commented: “Everyone has been concerned about how the river would fish after the devastating floods that affected most of the UK, and in particular the Oxford area with the river flowing down the main high street and over 12ft up!

Carl-Eland-Thames2“All fears seem to be put to bed, as nature has found its way. The first two days of the river season have been fishing extremely well for bream at Medley and also roach and skimmers at Abingdon.

“In a short session at Abingdon, I ‘balled it’ on the pole line and continued to loose feed casters over the top. I ended up with 19lb of roach and skimmers, topped off with a 2lb 12oz perch!”

It looks like Carl has enjoyed christening his shiny new Rive Drennan seatbox, too!