Surprise 53lb 3oz French Catfish Landed On Light Gear

Thank you to Mr Peter Alger from Norfolk for very kindly sending us some details on his remarkable capture of a 53lb 3oz French river catfish – landed on a size 8 Drennan Specimen Micro Barbed hook and 9lb line!

French Catfish

Peter had crossed the English Channel to fish an extended trip on the River Aisne for barbel, enjoying catching a number of his chosen quarry to 9lb 13oz.

“One night I hooked and landed a 53lb 3oz wels catfish” Peter explained. “The fish took almost ½ hour to land on a barbel rod and 9lb line. It took a single halibut pellet hair rigged on one of your micro barbed specimen hooks size 8. I regularly use these hooks and have always found them very reliable but was amazed after landing the fish that the hook still looks as good as new!”

“How I managed to lift it up the 4ft vertical bank in the relatively small net I use, I shall never know! Only the head end was in the net and I estimate that the fish was about 5ft long. I think there was a lot of good luck involved. Unfortunately this is the only picture I managed due to a low battery”.

RigPeter has kindly sent the photo to the right of the slightly battle weary but successful rig, incorporating a size 9 Swivel Stop Bead.

For full details on the brilliant Drennan Specimen hooks, which are available in both barbed and barbless and retail at just £1.30 a packet of 10.

Well done Peter!