Stu Court’s Specimen Roach on S7 Specialist Avon Quiver Rod

This superb photo shows Watford’s accomplished specimen angler Stuart Court bending into a big Roach at dusk on a vast Scottish Loch (Lochnaw) using a Series 7 Specialist Avon Quiver 12ft 1¼lb rod. The picture was kindly supplied by Kent Shimano Consultant Darran Goulder, who got in on the action himself with a 2lb 8oz example (see below).

After a challenging week Stu bagged a quite superb brace of fish weighing 2lb 14oz and 2lb 10oz on the last night of his trip – all the fish falling to maggot hookbaits in conjunction with Drennan Feederbombs.

For full details on the Series 7 Specialist Avon Quiver 12ft 1¼lb rod as used by Stuart, click here.

Click here to check out Lochnaw Castle Loch’s superb fishery website.