Stewart’s Christmas Holiday Carp

Drennan’s Stewart Moss took advantage of the exceptionally mild weather over the Christmas holiday to go carp fishing, and caught this 32lb 12oz Mirror using Drennan artificial Buoyant Maggots.

Drennan’s Stewart Moss took advantage of the exceptionally mild weather over the Christmas holiday to go carp fishing, and caught this 32lb 12oz Mirror using Drennan artificial Buoyant Maggots!

Stew fished an overnight session at one of his local Oxfordshire gravel pits, and used a critically balanced ESP Raptor hook with 8 artificial maggots threaded onto a loop of ESP Soft Ghost Flurocarbon ‘blobbed’ back through the eye of the hook. This was fished on a short 3-inch hooklink to an inline lead over a lightly spodded area of maggot, corn & maples.

For full details on the Drennan artificial Buoyant Maggots, click here.