Specimen Rudd Using Drennan Hooks To Nylon

Neill Stephen has caught this magnificent 4lb rudd from Buckland Lake Fishery on float-fished sweetcorn.


Few people can lay claim to such a specimen-sized fish, yet the former Drennan Cup Champion was very modest about the feat:

Chalk-Pit-Rudd2“I just got very lucky!” he humbly explained. “It was taken in the early morning on float fished sweetcorn in the margins using a size 14 Drennan Wide Gape 4lb Hooks To Nylon, a Loaded Crystal Waggler, 4lb Super Specialist main line and a Drennan IM8 Specimen Float rod.

“We weighed it on three different sets of scales and it registered 4lb exactly on all three. It came after fish of 2lb 14oz, 2lb 15oz and 3lb 2oz and numerous smaller fish. The fish looked massive but a lot of the weight was carried in front of its dorsal, as it was incredibly wide across the back. It measured 19” nose to tail point with a 14.5” girth.

wide-gape-hooks“I have to say thank you to Scott Trovell who runs an incredibly exciting and varied fishery at Buckland. With very clear water it is the perfect situation for a Loaded Crystal Waggler. When fixed with the Drennan float stops (indispensible accessory) it makes it very easy to move the float around until you find the depth the rudd are feeding at. On this trip it varied between 4ft and 14ft down, so I could not have fished effectively without that combo.

“Also, I still use Drennan Hooks To Nylon, as I always find the knots to be stronger than mine, however hard I try!

“It has been a great season for me so far with seven double-figure tench and my first UK 50lb carp in the spring… but this topped the lot!”

Keep up the great work, Neill!