Single Buoyant Caster Tricks Huge Crucian

Matthew Fernandez followed his gut instinct and returned to his crucian venue of choice for one last session in hope of landing another personal best.

Matthew with his new personal best crucian at 4lb 1oz.

“I used the same set up from my previous successful session. Opting for two 25g In-line Flat Method feeders, but this time using a Micro Braid hooklink with a size 16 Wide Gape Specialist hook and a single white Buoyant Caster presented on a hair. I fished both rods at 30 yards tight to each other and spombed my ground bait, caster and hemp mix over the top.

“The afternoon was really quiet, not even a single touch on either rod. Then at 7.50pm I lifted into my first fish, a crucian. After a hairy battle in the margins, the she was in the net. The scales swung round to 4lb 1oz, a new personal best! Certainly worth the wait and a second PB in as many trips!

Throughout out the night, I had a few small carp but then at first light I managed to land my second crucain of the trip, weighing 3lb 9oz. Another great result, and a fantastic way to end my season targetting crucians.”