Series 7 Specialist Avon/Quiver 12ft 1.75lb


Close-up photo of the Series 7 Specialist Avon Quiver 12ft 1.75lb in the hands of Durham’s Simon Ashton.

This rod is consists of both a standard Avon Top (for use when Barbel fishing!) plus a ‘Carrier’ Section with two push-in Drennan Feeder Tips (4oz Glass and 6oz Carbon) – making it a good multi-purpose tool which really can be used for a whole range of fishing applications.

Simon is pictured below with a pristine River Wye Barbel – one of several caught during a trip to Herefordshire using the rod.

For full details on the Series 7 Specialist Avon Quiver 12ft 1.75lb rod, click here.
