Scott’s Bonus Perch Brace

Kent’s Scott Cordingley took advantage of a brief opportunity to catch some Perch – and promptly caught a brace of 2lbers!

Kent’s Scott Cordingley took advantage of a brief opportunity to catch some Perch – and promptly caught a brace of 2lbers! 

Scott had organised a 48hr Charity Carp Match and was preoccupied with making sure it all went smoothly, but managed to snatch a few minutes at dusk to use a Drennan Red Range Carp Feeder 10ft to leger some Lobworms.  This resulted in Perch of 2lb 7oz and 2lb 5oz, both falling to Lobs presented on a Size 8 Super Specialist fished on 5lb Supplex straight through.

Kent’s Scott Cordingley took advantage of a brief opportunity to catch some Perch – and promptly caught a brace of 2lbers! 

This will be my main rod for perch from now on, as the action is perfect for them!” Scott told us.

For full details on the Red Range Carp Feeder 10ft rod, click here.