Roach On A Cheese Sandwich

Tony Peet from Wigan has finally got back on his favourite River Ribble, with some impressive roach succumbing to his ‘cheese sandwich’ hook bait. 


After a bit of a break it was great to get back on the River Ribble. The river had been up and although dropping was still carrying some colour, so I decided to feeder fish. All I had was a bucket of mashed bread for feed and bread flake or cheese paste for the hook.

ribble-roach-feeder-rodI teamed up my Series 7 12ft Competiton Feeder rod with a Drennan FD 4000 reel. I have the 1.5oz Night Sight Quiver Tip, which I find perfect for winter roach along with the soft mellow action of the Competition rod. The FD reel is on the rod and ready to go in the handy rod ready sleave that comes with the rod. I have a few of these reels, both 3000 and 4000, and I find the quick release handle and shallow spools very good and easy to use. I’m a big fan… if only Drennan would do a closed faced reel!

So, to the fishing. I made a dozen casts to get some bread in the swim. I then baited up with a ‘cheese sandwich’. this is bread flake with cheese paste nipped between. Oh and it works! First cast and the rod hooped over. That unmistakable nod nod followed and the first roach was soon in the net. At 1.7lb it was a great start. A few more followed before the best of the day at 1.12lb allowed me to make the journey home very satisfied.