River Wye Photos with Adam Fisher

Adam with Wye Chub

More of Adam Fisher’s excellent River Wye pictures from before Christmas – the photography by Mick Rouse & Dougal Ziegler, and used in Adam’s excellent trotting article in the January issue of Improve Your Coarse Fishing magazine.

The article, titled “No Better Way To Spend A Day” featured a day trotting with Adam in pursuit of Chub, using 4lb mainline and Breadflake.  Adam is using a Series 7 Specialist Avon Quiver 12ft 1½lb teamed with a centrepin reel (Okuma we think).

Adam is actually the Fishery Consultant for the Wye & Usk Foundation – who offer a truly glittering portfolio of day ticket river fisheries such as the one featured here! For full details have a look at their excellent website

For full details on the Series 7 Specialist Avon Quiver 12ft 1½lb as used here by Adam, click here

Adam with Centrepin