Phoenix, Arizona Carp with a Drennan Power Barbel Rod!

Top Nottinghamshire tackle shop Matchman Supplies have sent us a great story featuring one of their customers in the US, Mr Mac Swayze – who has been catching huge carp with a Drennan Power Barbel 12ft 2lb rod!

Top Nottinghamshire tackle shop Matchman Supplies have sent us a great story featuring one of their customers in the US, Mr Mac Swayze – who has been catching huge carp with a Drennan Power Barbel 12ft 2lb rod!

Mac had originally contacted them for a recommendation on a 2-piece rod of around 1.75lb / 2lb test curve, which must have a full black duplon handle. This specification was in order that Mac might floatfish for large carp in his native Phoenix, Arizona using big Polaris floats – a more European style of fishing for the species not normally associated with US angling styles.

Knowledgeable proprietor Tim Aplin supplied a Drennan Power Barbel rod via mail order – Mac treating himself as a pre-Christmas treat! After receiving the rod at the beginning of December, he put it straight into action, landing Grass Carp of 38lb and 24lb, and a 30lb Common Carp!

“It was a good day and the rod is great!” remarked Mac – “I’m telling all of my friends what a good service Matchman Supplies does”

Mac used a Polaris Leger Float with a 1oz lead and a sweetcorn hookbait on a Fox SSSP size 10 hook to 12lb clear line. We can only imagine it must have been one heck of a scrap on a Barbel rod! For full details on the Drennan Power Barbel rod, click here.

Matchman Supplies in Nottingham (tel 01159 813834) also provide a first class mail order service.