Phil’s Latest Monster Roach

Phil Smith with his latest monster Scottish Roach – a fish of exactly 3lb caught recently at Lochnaw Castle.

Phil Smith with his latest monster Scottish Roach

Without doubt one of the UK’s most respected all-round specimen anglers, Phil has been catching specimen fish of all species consistently since the 1960’s! His latest week long trip to Scotland involved some inclement weather but produced lots of Roach, with all four anglers in the party achieving a 3lber.

Phil used a variety of tactics and baits, including Maggots and 10mm Boilies, to catch the roach – all fished on a Drennan Series 7 Specialist Avon Quiver 12ft 1.25lb rod.

For full details on this rod as used by Phil, click here

To read Phil’s blog with the full account of the trip, click here.