Peter Drennan visits Milo in Milan

During last week Peter Drennan travelled to northern Italy to visit Milo Columbo and his team at the Milo headquarters in Milan.  Milo and Peter have been friends for nearly twenty years but it was only in 2011 that they began working together.  As a result of the collaboration with Milo, Drennan now supplies direct to hundreds of tackle shops in Italy and business is growing as increasing numbers of Italian anglers adopt English techniques such as the Flat Method Feeders. Peter spent a very enjoyable day with Milo and his team, meeting some of the representatives who travel to visit shops and a number of Italian journalists.  Among these was Matteo Maggi, who took these photos of Peter and Milo on the day.

For readers with fluent Italian (or Google Translate), the link to Matteo’s site is:-