Paul Burke’s Bonus Carp

Birmingham angler Paul Burke was fishing light for bream using a Drennan Specialist Tench & Bream 12ft 1.75lb rod on a midlands reservoir, when he hooked and eventually landed this ‘bonus’ Carp!

Paul was using Cage feeders at around 50yds, and with the Bream proving quite finicky, had scaled down to a 4lb Ultima hooklength and a size 12 Drennan Specimen Plus hook, baited with worm and artificial caster cocktail.

Paul hooked the fish which promptly stormed off, taking about 50 yards of line before he decided to try and slow it down by placing a hand on the spool.  Mindful of the light hooklink it was inch by inch stuff, and after a good 20 minutes or so, and with no small amount of skill, the Mirror was eventually landed, weighing 16lb 14oz.  Paul commented that at no time did the rod feel too stiff or too soft, it was perfect for the job and was the most memorable fight he’d had for a long time – all the tackle felt balanced and right.  In fact, Paul bagged a 13lb carp as well, proving his tackle & tactics were well suited to the job in hand!

For full details on the Drennan Specimen Plus hooks click here.