Nathan Walter’s Big Upper Thames Chub

Nathan Walter caught this handsome 6lb 1oz Upper Thames Chub recently using a Drennan Series 7 Specialist Avon Quiver 12ft 1½lb rod!

Nathan Walter caught this handsome 6lb 1oz Upper Thames Chub recently using a Drennan Series 7 Specialist Avon Quiver 12ft 1½lb rod!

The chub was caught in a weir-pool and was taken on a very simple method; 6lb mainline through to a size 4 hook.  Nathan used 2 Drennan Grippa Stops to secure a Loop attached Link Ledger with 3 or 4 triple SSG size shot, just enough to hold the bait in place.  Having purchased a “proper baker’s loaf” (as opposed to a Supermarket mass-produced imitation!) Nathan used a very large piece or crust, allowing him to dislodge & move the bait via twitches on the rod tip.  This allows the crust to flutter along the current a bit before coming to rest – “Deadly!” remarked Nathan.

For full details on the Series 7 Specialist Avon Quiver 12ft 1½lb rod, click here.