Matt’s Spectacular Oxfordshire Thames Barbel

We featured talented Oxfordshire specimen angler Matt Micallef a few weeks ago with a superb 13lb 4oz Barbel from the Thames locally. Well, he’s bettered that fish since, and by some distance, with this jaw dropping fish of 15lb 1oz!

Matt used a Perfection Groundbaits Crayfish Boilie on a Kamasan Barbel Maxx size 6 hook, fished with an ESP PVA mesh bag of pellets on an ESP Two-Tone coated hooklength.  Unsurprisingly, the fish put up one hell of a scrap in the flow, before succumbing to the net.  Compliments to Matt’s friend Mark for the truly sensational photograph too!

Matt uses a pair of Drennan Specialist Barbel 12ft 1.75lb rods – a really good choice for all-round barbel and specimen angling:-