Matt Tann’s Wonderful Trotted Roach

Hampshire angler Matthew Tann with a wonderful Hampshire Avon Roach, which weighed 2lb 14oz! This specimen was part of a terrific catch of fish featured in Angling Times recently, and deservedly won a weekly Drennan Cup Award.

Whilst regularly feeding the swim with brown breadcrumb, hemp and maggots little and often, Matt used a 13ft Float Rod & Series 7 Float reel to trot a section of the river – selecting 3.4lb S7 line and a 1 Swan Loafer float. At the business end, a size 14 Super Specialist hook baited with triple maggot (red and white combination) was the offering which took the fancy of the Roach on the day!

“It was all about the presentation and the quality of the tackle used which allowed me to hook these normally shy and illusive red fins” Matt explained.

Matt likes to use Drennan Series 7 Carp & Silverfish Mono in 3.4lb for his trotting – which normally retails at just £1.99 for a 100m spool:-

It allows me to fish lightly and at the same time have confidence in knot strength and performance


Check out Matt’s own fishing website.