Martin Bowler & John Wilson Barbel Fishing on the Wye

This memorable photo features Martin Bowler and John Wilson, taken during their last UK fishing trip together on the River Wye, which featured in last week’s issue of Angling Times.

Much loved angling celebrity John is very shortly emigrating to start a new life in Thailand, and joined Martin for one last trip, in pursuit of Barbel. They had a great time and fittingly John topped the trip with a Wye ‘double’ !

On the day the somewhat unusual but very effective tactics of fishing an inline ESP Mega Method Feeder, loaded with groundbait and pellet proved most effective – and Martin used one of the Specialist Barbel rods that he helped us develop to fish it.

For full details on the really quite superb Martin Bowler Specialist Barbel 12ft 1.75lb rod, click here.