Mark’s Cambridgeshire Tench & Bream Success

Mark Simmonds 9lb 7oz tench

Thanks to Mark Simmonds for sending us photos of some of his tremendous Tench and Bream from this Spring/Summer from a Cambridgeshire stillwater!

Mark struck gold as early as April when he landed Bream to 14lb 2oz and Tench to 10lb 3oz – winning a weekly Drennan Cup award in Angling Times – and went on to land a number of quality Tench over 9lb later in the season.

Mark tells us he is another happy owner of the sadly now discontinued Drennan Distance Specialist Tench & Bream 12ft 2lb rods – which he used to target the fish on clear areas at ranges of up 90 yards on a large gravel pit.

As the season progressed Mark also had success with the Tench using our brilliant in-line Bolt Rig Maggot Feeders with artificial buoyant maggots mounted on size 10 Super Specialist hooks.

For full details on the feeders as used to great effect by Mark, click here.