Marc Dibsdall’s Oxfordshire Stillwater Carp

Oxford specialist angler Marc Dibsdall enjoyed a brilliant trip in the sun floater fishing for carp recently on an Oxfordshire Stillwater – and is seen here playing a big carp on his 12ft ESP Floater rod.

Marc used floating baits presented with 10lb Drennan Double Strength mono through to a surface controller and took a fantastic hat-trick of big carp, capped by the big common pictured, which weighed in at 26lb 5oz.  The back up fish weighed in at 21lb 8oz (the Mirror) and 20lb 2oz (the smaller Common) – what a memorable trip!

With a sharp rise in temperatures recently across the UK many carp have been in the surface layers, and by using stealth, camo clothing, cap and shades Marc was able to get really close to his quarry.  The result was this truly memorable catch, great angling Marc!

Drennan Double Strength line has long been a very popular choice for Surface floater fishing, click here for full details.