Leo Heathcote, 4lb 14oz and 4lb 13oz Perch!

“It felt like a small pike and was cursing his luck when a huge mouth and spiky dorsal broke surface”

A trip to his local river paid off in fine style for Loughborough angler Leo Heathcote, who landed a sensational pair of perch, going 4lb 14oz and 4lb 13oz.
After fishing throughout the morning without so much as a tap on the quivertip, he had a few feeder-fulls of chopped worm left so decided to drop into one last swim on the way back to the car.

He quickly hooked what felt like a small pike and was cursing his luck when a huge mouth and spiky dorsal broke surface. Leo’s caught some big perch before, but this one was on another level. At 4lb 13oz, it beat his previous best by 5oz.

After taking a few pictures, he returned the fish and dropped the same worm he’d caught that fish on back in whilst he composed himself. Straight away the tip buckled round, and he connected with another giant. Leo was in a daze when the scales this time settled on 4lb 14oz. He returned the fish, continued for a few more hours, but his luck was fully used up.

Well done Leo!