Justin Burns’ Aussie Tench

Whilst most of the United Kingdom freezes solid here’s the heart-warming sight of an Australian Tench caught recently by Justin Burns on a Drennan Matchpro Ultralight 12ft rod!

Whilst most of the United Kingdom freezes solid here’s the heart-warming sight of Australian Tench and Carp

Tench are Justin’s favourite fish – and he tells us that they are reasonably well distributed across his native Southern Australia, although he also catches Carp, Roach and Redfin Perch. The Tench are apparently very hard to catch, although with dedicated tactics Justin catches good numbers up to about 6lb – in fact he’s had 40 this season to date from a lake approximately one hours drive from his home. Many anglers don’t even know the Tench are present!

Justin likes to float fish using a range of floats up to around 2½ gram – which he generally purchases mail-order from Leslies Of Luton here in the UK. His best bait for the Aussie Tench has been Sweetcorn, soaked overnight in strawberry jelly crystals to give added flavour! Staples such as worms, maggots and bread all produce fish too.

Justin comments that it has been really hard for him to get hold of a float rod ideally suited to his style of fishing – but the best solution to date has been the Drennan Matchpro Ultralight 12ft, due to it being light to hold yet with enough power to land the Tench. He usually uses 4lb mainline even for fairly big fish and use the lightest end tackle he can get away with.

Thank you Justin for your very interesting correspondence and photographs, featuring Drennan products in expert use on the other side of the world!

For full details on the Drennan Matchpro Ultralight 12ft, appreciated both in the UK and Australia!