Julien Watson’s Oulton Broad Silvers

Drennan’s East Anglia Sales Agent Julien Watson with a fine net of silver fish from Oulton Broad in Suffolk caught recently.

Julien finished work in the early evening and decided to spend a few hours fishing on the park front – a place he spent many happy hours as a child.

He soon produced a double-figure weight of Roach, Skimmers and Perch using a Whip and 0.75g Carbo Rig, with fresh Caster as bait.

It brought back many happy memories, especially as my Dad joined me and despite my reminders to him to feed regularly- I caught 3 fish to his 1 and was showing him how to do it! The new apron towel came in handy as when catching one a chuck and feeding groundbait, having something to constantly wipe your hands on is dead useful and certainly keeps your legs clean” explained Julien.

For further details on the new design Drennan Apron Towel as modelled by Julien, click here.