Josh’s Tench Haul

Many thanks to Josh Fisher for sending us these great photos of some beautiful tench he caught using a Drennan In-Line Method Feeder. 


“The big girl is 12lb 7oz and was taken fishing at 50 yards on the edge of a gully that dropped from 8-13ft. She was my first fish from the complex and was within 10 minutes of arriving, after several other blanks. 

The other fish are from a 23-fish haul caught during two manic morning feeding spells whilst fishing at 35 yards where I had previously located fish the night before due to fizzing and the occasional fish rolling. At times it was hard to keep two rods out at there, sometimes I would be dealing with a fish on the mat whilst the other rod went off!

Unfortunately I ran out of bait the first morning by 10:30am using a gallon of maggots! The haul included four fish over 8lb and five over 9lb!

I used the 2oz Drennan In-Line Feeder along with a 6″ hook link with artificial maggots presented on a hair from a size 12 hook.”

For more information on the In-Line Method Feeder, as used by Josh, click here.