Italian Feeder Championship: The First Weekend of Competition by Matteo Maggi

Keen angler, journalist and Drennan & Milo fan Matteo Maggi from took part in the first rounds of the Italian National Feeder Championships back in June.  Finishing around 4th on day one and 3rd on day two, Matteo finished 20th overall out of nearly 80 participants.  Matteo reports that the Drennan cage feeders provided excellent service and were used by numbers of Italian anglers on the day.   

Saturday June 23rd and Sunday June 24th was the first weekend of matches in the Italian feeder fishing championship. The venue was the Channel Brian, a few kilometers from Venice, instead of the Channel Circondariale of Ostellato, venue of the last World Championships, due to the earthquake that struck the region of Emilia Romagna in the last days of May.

A very nice venue, about sixty meters wide with a depth varying between 3 and 5 meters. The fishery has developed along two lines: 20 meters away and on the opposite bank. I used different types of feeders including the open end Cage feeder, the Blockend and the Feederbomb with a sticky maggot and ground bait mix, especially in a dark color. In the Italian championship there is a rule against the method feeder and pellets so the baits used were maggots, live or dead, corn and worms.

The first match was characterized by a strong wind and high temperature, which clearly didn’t bother the fish because nearly 500kg were caught by the 78 competitors present! On Sunday, the flow of the canal was stationary for the first three hours, then started to move in the last two hours, resulting in a block of time when the fish came on strong. Sunday was very hot with temperatures near 35°C but the wind that accompanied the competitors only for the first 120 minutes, putting a strain on the competitors during the time remaining. Fewer fish were caught in the second day, but a channel fished well for many anglers who caught mainly carassio and bream, some rudd, mullets and wels catfish.

In the final ranking after both matches Gianmario Lombardi of Team LBF Italia was top with two points, ahead Riccardo Favalini of GPO Imolese Tubertini in second place with three points. In third position was Angelo De Pascalis, the Italian champion in this category in 2011 and member of Team Italia in the last two world championships, also with three points. The final weekend of competition will take place on the third week end of September in Tuscany, on River Arno near Arezzo.

You can see the Italian article on with photos of the venue.


[spoiler intro=”Italiano Feeder 2012: quanto pesce in Brian!”]

Matteo Maggi del sito, pescatore, giornalista ed amico delle ditte Drennan e Milo, ha preso parte alle prime prove del Campionato Italiano di Pesca a Feeder svoltesi nel mese di Giugno. Dopo aver conquistato il quarto posto di settore nella prima giornata e il terzo posto di settore nella giornata della domenica, Matteo è in questo momento in ventesimo posizione assoluta su quasi 80 concorrenti totali. Ciò che lo stesso Matteo ci ha riferito è che i cage della Drennan sono stati utilizzati da una buona parte di agonisti in questa due giorni di gara, con ottimi risultati
