Greg Buxton 8lb 2oz Chub

Back in 1984/85 season, Greg Buxton was crowned the first-ever winner of the prestigious Drennan Cup with a 14lb 1oz barbel. The following year, he finished runner-up with a 12lb 14oz barbel and a 7lb 1oz chub before giving up coarse fishing entirely, having caught fish beyond his wildest dreams.

But, in 2017, he started serious specimen hunting again, focussing on chub, in particular. He’s landed numerous good fish since then, with the biggest being this 8lb 2oz specimen he recently caught from the Dorset Stour. The fish fell to quiver-tipped cheese paste, which he fished on a link leger setup. Interestingly, Greg presents this over a homemade groundbait mix containing liquidised bread, garlic granules, grated cheddar and blue cheese. To help it sink, Greg squeezes the mix around small pebbles found on the riverbank and lobs the balls a tactical distance upstream. On entering the water, a cloudy scent trail is created, which draws the chub to his hookbait.

Well done Greg!