Goodwill lands a 42lb Mirror Carp

North Somerset Carp Specialist Dean Goodwill is pictured here with his new personal best Mirror Carp – a 42lb 8oz stunner from an Oxfordshire Lake!  Dean fished a three night session at the beginning of March and also bagged a 30lb Common to make a tremendous brace…

Dean, 25, fished 11ft Zig rigs in an area 16ft deep around 70 yards out, the hookbait being a piece of black rig foam soaked in Velobaits AK4 dip!  Dean tied these to size 10 Korda Wide Gape hooks using 12lb Drennan Double Strength mono hooklinks with 3½ oz distance leads.  Dean carefully played the big fish to the bank (always a bit fraught on a long zig rig) with the aid of a Free Spirit 12ft 3½lb rod, Shimano Technium reel and 15lb ESP Carp mono mainline.

Drennan Double Strength is a proven winner for both Zig Rigging and Surface Floater fishing – for further details click here.