Gary Newman’s Scottish Grayling Trip

We loved Gary Newman’s “Scottish ladies play hard to get” article in Anglers Mail 1st Jan – featuring Dave Lambert, seen here trotting the River Annan with a Drennan Matchpro Ultralight 14ft. These fabulous rods are the tool of choice for many serious river Grayling and Roach anglers.

We loved Gary Newman’s “Scottish ladies play hard to get” article in Anglers Mail 1st Jan – featuring Dave Lambert, seen here trotting the River Annan with a Drennan Matchpro Ultralight 14ft.

Gary & Dave travelled up to Scotland for a few days fishing for Grayling on the famous river. Despite snow and bad weather, the lads gave it maximum effort and were rewarded with a few fish – the article making a really good read.

Gary likes to use the fabulous Drennan Red Maggot hooks for his trotting for Grayling – in conjunction with the Crystal Avon float pattern (see picture below). The Red Maggot pattern is available in both packets of spade end hooks, and hooks to nylon.