Gary Newman’s rough time on the Ribble

We enjoyed Gary Newman’s Angling Adventures column in the Anglers Mail 21st February – which illustrates that even the very best and most dedicated anglers blank sometimes! Gary travelled all the way up to Lancashire for his first trip on the famous River Ribble, in company with Martin James.  Unfortunately, the date pencilled in arrived with the river cold, up and coloured – and after a 250 mile round trip Gary had poor weather to fish in to contend with as well!

Despite maximum effort Gaz caught nothing and as you can see here, all his gear was sodden and by the end of the trip, pretty muddy!  We’ve all been there from time to time on those miserable longh drives home!  Gary uses the Super Specialist padded rod sleeves – which slot nicely into either the Super Specialist Large Rod Quiver, or as seen here, an ESP Quiver.

For further details on the Super Specialist Luggage click here.