Gary Newman’s Peacock Bass

Probably the brightest coloured fish photo we’ve ever featured on this page, courtesy of globe-trotting ace Gary Newman – a Peacock Bass of around 9lb.  Gary has recently been on a big fishing expedition to Guyana (Northern South-America), as featured in the Anglers Mail recently.  In fact, the two part story of the trip in the issues dated 3rd & 10th April was a brilliant read, studded with large and truly amazing fish!

Gary caught the fish from the Essequibo River System, and used a Drennan FD 4000 reel on a 20-50g Lure rod loaded with 30lb braided mainline – this being primarily his bait catching rod.  On his heavier gear Gary caught a number of stunning specimens including Tiger Shovel Nose, Jau Catfish, Arapaima, Redtail, Tiger Fish, Payara and Piraiba.
“The reel handled everything very well especially considering how hard the Peacock Bass fight” remarked Gary.

For full details on the Drennan FD 4000 reel click here.