Gary Newman’s ‘Dream Come True’ Grayling

Gary Newman with his recent new personal best Grayling weighing 3lb 7oz caught from the River Severn system as described in his “Angling Adventures” article in last week’s Anglers Mail magazine.

Gary Newman with his recent new personal best Grayling weighing 3lb 7oz caught from the River Severn system as described in his “Angling Adventures” article in last week’s Anglers Mail magazine.

His previous personal best fish having stood at 2lb 11oz from the Dorset Frome around 10 years ago, Gary was absolutely delighted to catch this huge ‘lady of the stream’ just before the season ended.

It has actually been a really good season for monster Grayling, with fish over 3lb being caught from a number of rivers including the Southern Chalk Streams, several of the England / Wales border rivers and also from Scotland!

Gary elected to use his Matchpro Medium Feeder rod and a soft Glass Taper feeder tip to fish a feeder set up. This incorporated 3lb Supplex line through to a Preston Powerline hooklink and red maggots on a size 16 Drennan Red Maggot Spade end hook.

When it decided to leap clear of the water it nearly gave me heart failure!” quipped Gary.

For full details on the fantastic Drennan Red Maggot spade end hooks click.