Gareth’s Brace of Fenland Rudd

Many thanks to Drennan Cup 2012-13 winner (and 2013-14’s Runner-up!), the Norfolk-based Gareth Goldson for this great photo of some Fenland Rudd he caught recently using a Drennan Puddle Chucker Float.


The beautiful brace of Rudd weighed in at 2.8 and 2.4 respectively and were caught float-fishing on the Fens using 4lb Supplex mainline and a loaded Puddle Chucker float. These floats are ideal for fishing shallow as the short Crystal body can be cast right out beyond marginal reeds and pads.

Gareth tells us that these were 2 of 9 Rudd over the 2lb mark that he caught over a couple of short morning sessions on the first few days of the river season.

For more information on the fantastic Drennan Puddle Chucker range of floats, as used by Gareth, click here.