Eric Robinson’s 33lb and 37lb Pike!

 “Two ‘thirties’ in less than an hour”

Following on from the capture of an immense 37lb pike before Christmas, Stockton-on-Tees angler Eric Robinson has been out again, landing this impressive specimen bringing the scales round to 33lb along with a recapture of his 37lb croc, this time coming in 1lb lighter.

He’d blanked on the five previous trips, but at 12:15pm his left-hand rod screamed off as if a carp had taken his bait. After a ferocious battle, he recognised the fish immediately on the mat, this time weighing 36lb exactly.
Although elated to land such a fish, he was slightly disappointed it was the same one. But his disappointment didn’t last long as just 45 minutes later his right-hand rod ripped off, again like a carp take, and he was into another heavy fish. It took him all over the place, but as it emerged from the depths, he realised it was another massive fish. At 33lb, it completes a sensational brace – two ‘thirties’ in less than an hour.
Well done Eric!