Eleven Chub For Pete On The DRX

Southampton based Pete Wilson recently enjoyed a great days fishing on the River Stour in Dorset targeting chub.


Pete fed the swim with red maggots for 45 minutes before he made his first trot through the swim. As a result of the prior feeding the chub were already competing against one another for the free offerings.

“The first trot resulted in the first chub of the day, not huge, but a great start. Constantly feeding maggots every cast kept the fish coming all day and I ended the session with 11 fish,” Pete explained. “I did lose two huge chub; one at the net and one in tree roots. I will be back again to settle the score!”

The chub were caught using his trusty old 14ft Drennan DRX Float Rod. The end tackle consisted of a 4 swan Drennan Loafer and a Red Maggot Micro-Barbed hook to nylon in size 16, which was baited with two red maggots.