Drennan’s Stewart Moss with Handsome Wye Barbel

Drennan’s Stewart Moss accompanied Sean Trafford down to the Wye, and is pictured here with a handsome Barbel typical of the river.

Stew and Sean used Drennan Heavyweight XXL Cage Feeders, which at 70 gram and with a special low-profile, flat-bottomed shape – can hold bottom in surprisingly powerful flow.  The feeders are constructed with electroplated steel mesh, coloured a quite drab camo bronze – which really helps them blend in with a lake / river bed. Stew used a scalded pellet mix of CC Moore’s Meteor pellets to fill the feeder, along with a 2 foot ESP Stripteaze hooklength to a Kamasan Barbel Maxx hook and hair-rigged Meteor Boilie wrapped in matching paste (which really gives off a lot of flavor, a useful characteristic in highly coloured water).

For full details on the Drennan Heavyweight XXL Cage Feeders that Stew and Sean used, click here.