Drennan FD-3000 Reel Competition – Winners!

Thank-you to everyone that took the time to enter the competition – we had a fantastic response with almost 300 entries received.  Winners were selected at random.

Q.  In what year was the Drennan tackle company founded?

  1. 1957
  2. 1967  
  3. 1977

First Prize Winner:

10 runners-up, each receiving 2 spools of Gravel Braid in their requested  breaking strain:

Malcolm Hill
Julie Watson
Paul Hopwood
Peter E Shelton
Ron Bennett
Bob Jones
John Beesley
Graham Howard
James Musson
Fred Bonney

Thanks again to everyone that took part.  Keep your eye out for future competitions, as well as catch reports, latest product news,  great photos & video, by following us on Facebook.