Drennan Crystal Pike Floats

Drennan Crystal Pike Floats – from left; Zeppler 24g, Waggler 32g, Zeppler 35g, Piker 40g. Photography by Gary Newman.

October is traditionally the start of the Pike season ‘proper’ – and float fishing is a tremendously exciting way to fish for predators such as Pike, Perch and Zander.  There is something particularly memorable about a capture when first your pike float agitates, bobs, then slides away under the waves….

There are four patterns to cover various uses and situations (the Pikebob isn’t pictured above) – all available in various sizes from a tiny 6g Piker, up to a super-buoyant 40g!  In addition, we make a Subfloat in four sizes, which has a whole range of useful roles.

For full details click here – available from all Drennan stockist tackle shops!