Drennan Acolyte 16m Pole Review

acolyte-pole-16-with-peterFive-Times World Champion Match Angler Alan Scotthorne using the new Drennan Acolyte 16m pole earlier this Spring, seen here in company on the bank with Peter Drennan. 

We’ve received lots of positive feedback on the pole since it was launched in June, with numbers of top anglers having switched to one.   In fact, we’ve just heard of a high profile festival win by an angler using an Acolyte pole, but more details on that on this page soon!  

There is an eye-catching new advert for the Acolyte Pole in this weeks’ issue of Anglers Mail magazine, and if you’re interested in this serious piece of kit, don’t miss the in-depth review on the Anglers Mail website.   Click here to read it in full, courtesy of the Anglers Mail.

For more photos and details on the Acolyte pole, also see the entry on the Drennan website here.