Des Taylor’s Specimen Perch

Des Taylor has found a really interesting way to outwit the specimen Perch in one of his local stillwaters – fishing into complete darkness!  Des has been using a Drennan Insert waggler, which readily accepts a 99p Drennan Nightlight when darkness falls – allowing him to carry on float fishing into total darkness.  Des plumbs his swim precisely so that he can present a prawn hookbait on a Super Specialist 6 or 8 hook, hard on the bottom, and then bait drops a little pile of prawns and broken crayfish tails over the top.

Des has found he can pretty much catch perch all night long with these tactics, although the first few hours of darkness have generally been best – leading to him capturing numerous 3lb+ Perch recently!

“I have to admit there was something magical and eerie about seeing these specimen Perch in the light of my headtorch as they came over the landing net!” commented Des

For full details on the Drennan Night Lights, click here.